Self Evaluation - Hearing

These self-evaluation checklists are intended only as a means of helping you identify a potential hearing problem that you or someone you know might have.

If you answer 'no' to one or more of the questions listed in the infant to five years of age category, contact an audiologist.


If you answer 'no' to one or more of these questions, speak to your doctor or contact an audiologist.

Evaluate your infant's hearing (from birth to one year)



Between birth and three months, does your baby

Listen when you or someone speaks?



Startle or cry at a noise?



Awaken at loud sounds?



Stop activity at a new sound?



Turn to you when you speak?



Smile when spoken to?



Seem to recognize your voice and quiets if crying?



Stop activity to pay attention to an unfamiliar voice?



Between the ages of four to six months, does your child:

Respond to "no" and changes in tone of voice?



Look around for the source of new sounds, e.g. doorbell, vacuum, dog?



Notice toys that make sounds?



Pay attention to music?



Between the ages of seven months and one year, does your child:

Enjoy games like peek-o-boo and pat-a-cake



Turn and looks up when you call her name



Listen when spoken to



Recognize words for common items like "cup", "shoe," "juice"



Understand simple phrases like "come here"



Begin to respond to requests ("Come here," "Want more?)




Evaluate your child's hearing ability (from ages two to five)



Between the ages of one and two years, does your child:

Point to pictures in a book when named?



Point to an object or a few body parts when asked?



Follow simple commands and understands simple questions like "Roll the ball," "Kiss the baby" or "Where' s your shoe?"



Listen to simple stories, songs, and rhymes?



Use at least 20 words by age two?



Between the ages of two and three, does your child:

Understand differences in meaning like "go-stop," ""no-on," "big-little," or "up-down?"



Notice sounds like the telephone ringing, television or knocking at the door?



Follow two requests like "Get the book and put it on the table?"



Become easily frustrated or withdrawn?



Between the ages of three and four, does your child:

Hear you when call from another room?



 Hear television or radio at the same loudness level as other family members?



Understand simple, "who," "what," "where," questions?



Sit and listen to a story for five minutes?



Between the ages of four and five, does your child:

Pay attention to a short story and answers simple questions about it?



 At the point where everyone who knows the child (teacher, day care provider, family members) believe the child hears well?



 Hear and understand most of what is said at home and in school?



At any age, does your child:

Say he or she has difficulty hearing the teacher?



Have consistent difficulty doing homework or completing assignments?






If you answer 'yes' to one or more of the questions listed below, contact an audiologist.




Do people seem to mumble?


Can you hear conversations but not always understand them?


Do you often ask people to repeat themselves?


Is it difficult for you to understand on the telephone?


Does your family complain that the TV or radio is too loud?


Do you no longer hear normal household sounds like a tap dripping or a doorbell or phone ringing?


Do you have difficulty hearing when your back is turned to someone or have trouble understanding people sitting behind you in a car?



Do people tell you that you speak loudly?


Do you have ringing in your ears?


Do you have difficulty understanding conversations?



Do you avoid noisy places or parties?


Do you favour one ear?



Do you ever have the feeling that your hearing is bad?



© 2024 CASLPO

© 2024 CASLPO

This website is intended to provide information to the public and registrants. Should there be difference in documentation previously distributed to CASLPO registrants, it is up to the registrant to source the latest version posted on the CASLPO website. Note: the term "member" and "registrant" are used interchangeably throughout CASLPO's website and documents. Both terms are synonymous with "member" as defined in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991, the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Act, 1991, and the Regulations under those Acts.